Tuesday 19 June 2012


Good afternoon everyone!

Having looked at your blogs, it appears few of you have completed the work which I set last lesson to be completed for homework today.

Therefore, please find below a list of tasks which I want to be completed and uploaded by the end of today's double lesson!

1. An introductory post for your new blog where you outline the brief.

2. A post where you outline the conventions of trailers. Use the two HARRY POTTER trailers as examples, and also discuss their differences and the reasons for these differences.

3. A fairly lengthy post where you choose a film trailer from the 40s, 50s, 70s, 80s, 90s etc ad#nd discuss how the conventions have changed and progressed over the years. This should take the format of an uploaded/linked video followed by a summarising paragraph underneath each one.

4. Then, and ONLY then...

I will give you some CREATIVE time where you may convene into your groups and begin to plan/plot your 'idea'. Remember how this links back to the film making process? The idea is of vital importance. It must be achievable, marketable and be linked to genre and purpose.

Create some mind maps where you discuss possible ideas and how you might carry them out/film them. Make sure you record ALL of this planning work and upload it to your blogs by scan/photo.

Let's have a hard-working lesson folks,

Mr Williams

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