Friday 27 January 2012

Work for today! Firstly, finish off the work from last lesson and get it posted.

Secondly, as well as doing the 'box mock-ups' for your two magazine covers, write an analysis of each of them commenting on the composition of the covers. Take this Q Magazine cover featuring Lady Gaga as an example.

The image of the artist actually partly covers the name/logo of the magazine. This suggests that the magazine is instantly recognisable by its house style, and does not need for its name to be fully in view. It also suggests that Gaga herself is a more important feature than the magazine logo, so she is given preference in terms of coverage.

Gaga's image takes up over 50% of the entire cover. What does this suggest about what editors find important in terms of their cover make-up?

How have pugs/banners/puffs etc been used to help sell the magazine?

Look at the use of Semiotics. Which colours and signs have been used, and what do they suggest? How do they help to sell the magazine?

Can you apply any of the theories you have learned (such as feminism/male gaze) to this cover? If so, comment on it.

At least 2/3 paragraphs per cover please.

All done for Tuesday :)

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