Tuesday, 19 June 2012


Good afternoon everyone!

Having looked at your blogs, it appears few of you have completed the work which I set last lesson to be completed for homework today.

Therefore, please find below a list of tasks which I want to be completed and uploaded by the end of today's double lesson!

1. An introductory post for your new blog where you outline the brief.

2. A post where you outline the conventions of trailers. Use the two HARRY POTTER trailers as examples, and also discuss their differences and the reasons for these differences.

3. A fairly lengthy post where you choose a film trailer from the 40s, 50s, 70s, 80s, 90s etc ad#nd discuss how the conventions have changed and progressed over the years. This should take the format of an uploaded/linked video followed by a summarising paragraph underneath each one.

4. Then, and ONLY then...

I will give you some CREATIVE time where you may convene into your groups and begin to plan/plot your 'idea'. Remember how this links back to the film making process? The idea is of vital importance. It must be achievable, marketable and be linked to genre and purpose.

Create some mind maps where you discuss possible ideas and how you might carry them out/film them. Make sure you record ALL of this planning work and upload it to your blogs by scan/photo.

Let's have a hard-working lesson folks,

Mr Williams

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Work for today! Improving your coursework!

Task 1 – Students identify a technique from an exemplar text and implement it in their own work. For example, it might be that you have not yet added a pug to your front cover, but you have seen them used in lots of example texts.

Task 2 – Students pair up and identify a technique for each other. Look at your partner's work and make a suggestion regarding how they could improve. The suggestion should be something which will make their work look more like a professional magazine.

Some examples of front covers:

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Dear everyone,

You should now be ready be in the process of acquiring images for your main task. Some of you may have already completed shoots, whilst some of you may not. By the end of today's lesson, please ensure you have completed all of the following tasks.

1. Your preliminary task (school magazine) - completed and uploaded. Annotate your completed product explaining why you make certain decisions.

2. Plans and drafts for your main task (music magazine) - Including box-mockups, any rough drafts and any annotated REAL covers which you are using as inspiration.

3. Examples of Photoshopping which you have used on your preliminary task. You will need to be able to explain what you have editted, how you have editted it, and why you chose to do so.

4. Look at an example of an article from a music magazine. Provide a short analysis of the sort of language used in this text. The accuracy of you language and register is one of the area which your final task will be marked on.

5. ANY of the work which I have posted on here and you have not yet completed!

From next week's double lesson, I will be expecting you all to be working on the construction of your main task. Any question, please feel free to ask!

Mr W.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Welcome back!

Hope you all had a great halfies. Here are your tasks for today!

1. Create a post where you analyse a magazine front cover (similar to the one you are going to create in its genre) where you annotate it using publishing jargon. (Masthead/house style/pugs/puffs/taglines/straplines/barcodes/price/cover shot/subsidiary images).

2. Begin to plan the layout of your magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. Research similar products to give you ideas. Feel free to annotate and upload any texts from which you gain inspiration.

3. PLAN your photoshoot which you will be doing this weekend! You must give thought to all of the following:

*Who are you going to photograph? (they will need to look convincing as a band/artist)

*Mis-en-scene - How are you going to shoot so that your artist looks believable? For example, on a couch eating biccies = No; Wearing eye-catching clothing and photographed against a wall full of graffiti? Perhaps! You need to consider props, setting, costume, lighting - all aspects!

*How many photos will you take and where will they be used? Remember, EVERY shot in your project has to be taken by you...eventiny little thumbnails!

Make sure you have a shot-by-shot plan so that you are ready to go!

Good luck!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Image Manipulation!

Dear class,

Thanks for your concentration during what was quite an active lesson. Please complete the following tasks before next lesson.

1. Provide an overview of the Photoshop Techniques that you learned this lesson.

2. Provide some BEFORE and AFTER shots of your work (use the Megan Fox picture). You can easily do this by taking a 'print scrn' of your work, and pasting it into word (or even paint!) ready to upload on your blog.

3. Have a go at using these techniques on your own photos and upload some examples on to your blogs!

Good luck. Any questions, come and find me :)

Mr Williams.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Work for today! Firstly, finish off the work from last lesson and get it posted.

Secondly, as well as doing the 'box mock-ups' for your two magazine covers, write an analysis of each of them commenting on the composition of the covers. Take this Q Magazine cover featuring Lady Gaga as an example.

The image of the artist actually partly covers the name/logo of the magazine. This suggests that the magazine is instantly recognisable by its house style, and does not need for its name to be fully in view. It also suggests that Gaga herself is a more important feature than the magazine logo, so she is given preference in terms of coverage.

Gaga's image takes up over 50% of the entire cover. What does this suggest about what editors find important in terms of their cover make-up?

How have pugs/banners/puffs etc been used to help sell the magazine?

Look at the use of Semiotics. Which colours and signs have been used, and what do they suggest? How do they help to sell the magazine?

Can you apply any of the theories you have learned (such as feminism/male gaze) to this cover? If so, comment on it.

At least 2/3 paragraphs per cover please.

All done for Tuesday :)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Thanks to those of you who got you homework done in time! Though hilarious, real time blog-based apologies will not suffice as a replacement for specific homeworks. An honourable mention goes to Tom who did the homework despite not even being there when it was set.

Tasks for today:

1. What would you expect a school/college magazine to be like in terms of semiotics/language and layout?

2. Analyse our school newsletter. Annotate pages of the magazine commenting on semiotics/language and layout.

3. Find a front cover of two music magazines online. Create box mock-ups/maps of the covers. Annotate them to comment on their structure.

Mr Williams.