Tuesday 28 February 2012


Dear everyone,

You should now be ready be in the process of acquiring images for your main task. Some of you may have already completed shoots, whilst some of you may not. By the end of today's lesson, please ensure you have completed all of the following tasks.

1. Your preliminary task (school magazine) - completed and uploaded. Annotate your completed product explaining why you make certain decisions.

2. Plans and drafts for your main task (music magazine) - Including box-mockups, any rough drafts and any annotated REAL covers which you are using as inspiration.

3. Examples of Photoshopping which you have used on your preliminary task. You will need to be able to explain what you have editted, how you have editted it, and why you chose to do so.

4. Look at an example of an article from a music magazine. Provide a short analysis of the sort of language used in this text. The accuracy of you language and register is one of the area which your final task will be marked on.

5. ANY of the work which I have posted on here and you have not yet completed!

From next week's double lesson, I will be expecting you all to be working on the construction of your main task. Any question, please feel free to ask!

Mr W.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Welcome back!

Hope you all had a great halfies. Here are your tasks for today!

1. Create a post where you analyse a magazine front cover (similar to the one you are going to create in its genre) where you annotate it using publishing jargon. (Masthead/house style/pugs/puffs/taglines/straplines/barcodes/price/cover shot/subsidiary images).

2. Begin to plan the layout of your magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. Research similar products to give you ideas. Feel free to annotate and upload any texts from which you gain inspiration.

3. PLAN your photoshoot which you will be doing this weekend! You must give thought to all of the following:

*Who are you going to photograph? (they will need to look convincing as a band/artist)

*Mis-en-scene - How are you going to shoot so that your artist looks believable? For example, on a couch eating biccies = No; Wearing eye-catching clothing and photographed against a wall full of graffiti? Perhaps! You need to consider props, setting, costume, lighting - all aspects!

*How many photos will you take and where will they be used? Remember, EVERY shot in your project has to be taken by you...eventiny little thumbnails!

Make sure you have a shot-by-shot plan so that you are ready to go!

Good luck!